(©Rachel Paling 2012)
"Neurolanguage Coaching® incorporates the latest findings in neuroscience as well as principles and tools from coaching into the traditional process of language teaching. Through neuroscience, we know that no two brains are the same, so Neurolanguage Coaching® is tailor-made learning to clients' needs, with clear and structured targets to achieve in defined periods of time.
This method and approach create the perfect learning conditions for the brain leading to faster, more efficient, sustainable and cost-effective results."
Personalised Approach
No two learners are alike. Neurolanguage Coaching® method is tailored to meet the specific needs, goals, and learning styles of each individual client.
Efficient, Effective and Sustainable Results
Neurolanguage Coaching® enables language acquisition faster and in a more efficient and effective way, representing mus less financial effort by:
- incorporating insights from neuroscience
- blending language transfer with brain-friendly coaching principles
- promoting client autonomy & motivation
- helping clients overcome language learning blocks
- facilitating attention focus, consolidation, and long-term memory
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